Kent, United Kingdom︎
New build︎
Architecture package︎
 Designed and coordinated project for Andy Martin Architecture︎
Completed in 2020︎

The property is located in Kent, county southeast from London.
The clients, a London design-oriented family with two kids wanted to relocated in the country side.
The plot was unbuilt with a pond and woodland and overlooking fields.
I was working at Andy Martin Architecture, as a project manager when the studio has been appointed and was in charge of this project.

Our design concept is an evolution from the sterotipycal volume of a barn.
The project is a long two stories house including 5 bedrooms, with two adjacent volumes for amenities (garage and utility room).
At one end of the main volume is located the double heignt living / dining space.
The roof edges gently curve down above the height space in order both to reduce the height and better contain the space.
This optimisation gesture creates the complex and poetic geometry of the project.

The house is built out of a metal skeletum and timber frames, then covered with a blacken standing seam roof and walls. Chesnut cladding has been applied both gables and amenity volumes to contrast with the roof and main walls.
The main gable features a large window overlooking a platform built over the pond.
Corner and gutter windows reinforce the intricacy of the geometry.
Recessed window frames, no architraves on full height doors, recessed baseboards, polish concrete and floating staircase treads are some of the additional highly designed detailing.